SOUNDS OF SILENCE / Graphite Drawing / 15” x 24 ½” / © Roxie Johnson 2024
I am delighted to have two recent works included in this phenomenal show. Thank you Meredith, Drawing Galaxy, ASK, and fellow artists, for your love and continued support in making this event possible for us all!
“The 35 professional artists represented in this exhibition plunge
headlong into the mesmerizing world of abstraction. These individual
“portraits” of dialogue between artist and surface are their autographs
of observation, discovery and invention. These artists offer up revelry,
quiet grace, restless entanglements with drawn lines rough and tumble,
notably exact, tinged with perforation or zigzagged into repetitive
pattern, floating merrily in open space, densely layered into geometric
configurations or meandering lazily in tidy script. All of which can
carry their ideas of grace, tension, leisure, rage or sensitivity. Kindly
join us to view their new work in the spacious galleries of the Arts
Society of Kingston, ASK.”
-Meredith Rosier / Curator / Artist / Mentor / Educator
OPENING RECEPTION: Saturday, August 3rd / 3 - 5 pm
GALLERY HOURS: Thursday - Sunday / Noon - 5 pm
Acrylic / Graphite / Collage
Framed: 11” x 11” x 1.75”
© Roxie Johnson 2024